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Access trading cards on steam phone app

Get your cards quickly, sell them cheaply, and get out. We’ll be adding more games as we get them done. Valve Corporation.

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There are a few different reasons why you may be unable to trade or use the Community Market. The reason is typically shown when you try to initiate a trade or perform an action on the Community Market. Steam Support cannot modify trading or Community Market restrictions, regardless of the circumstances under which your account became restricted. An item hold won’t prevent your account from trading or using the Community Market, but it will delay items being transferred to other accounts if you aren’t able to protect your account with a Steam Guard Mobile Authenticator. Trade and market holds protect items if a user’s account is compromised. Even if a hijacker manages to access your account, you can prevent them from stealing your items by canceling any transactions that are on hold. If you choose to cancel any of your accepted trades that are in a trade hold, your account will be restricted from trading for 7 days for your protection.

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Home Discussions Workshop Market Broadcasts. Change language. Install Steam. Anderwoo View Profile View Posts. Why have I been punished for buying a new phone and transferring the Steam Guard across? Dteam had to disable it on the old phone before I could enable it on the new. This is fine, but not if I get hit with a 15 steqm trade ban because I didn’t have Steam Guard activated for less than a minute! That’s surely a flaw, isn’t it? I’m now sitting on worthless duplicates of Holiday Sale cards, with no way to trade them in for other cards or a few pence.

I just have to wave them goodbye come the 5th July, and I don’t think that’s fair. Get in contact please, Steam somebody with the acccess to actually do something, I don’t want to be told by another Support person that there’s nothing they can. I’ve been with you for 12 years, but I’m getting very disheartened with your totally impersonal ways. Showing 1 — 14 of 14 comments. Because you did not do it correctly.

Useful reply, thanks. Care to explain before you cadds banned There was no other way to do it. No option to transfer or anything remotely useful. I had the app installed on my new phone, but I couldn’t get the Steam Guard activated until I deactivated it on the old phone. Originally posted by Anderwoo :. Last edited by ; 27 Jun, pm. Apologies then, and thanks for access trading cards on steam phone app informative reply this time.

I saw that ‘Please help My phone number is unchanged, so there’s any number of security measures that could’ve been followed through to ensure it’s me. Instead, you inconvenience me. Wanted to trade Summer event cards Can’t, need to authenticate it o the phone that Steqm drowned few days ago. Waited patiently for the new phone to arrive, to set all up and what? Doesn’t work! Awful process. Then what oj, when I finally did it?

Steam keeps lying to me through all help pages that I can’t trade because I made changes to the device I used to login. Yes, I tradjng from new device got new phone setup today. Yes, I failed to transfer Steam Guard to new device because of many different problems Yes, apparently should have disabled Guard and Authenticator on my old drowned mobile before installing all on carda one Fair.

Every help page says new devices will be restricted! Why my PC got affected? For gods sake! This is access You really let us down Steam. I wish I never used your rubbish app on my phone. Thanks for another example of this ridiculous implementation. Another thing apo more to my situation than rzbikot’s, why was there no warning about a 15 tracing ban when I went to disable the Steam Guard on my old phone?

Isn’t that just common sense? If I’d received that warning, I would then have poked around the Steam pages or internet and seam found this one support page that tells me to click on the extremely obscure statement, which would then supposedly allow me to transfer my authenticator across to the new phone!

Totally agree with Anderwoo, a warning when clicking the button would surely have helped. I would’ve waiting until after the winter sale and kept using the old phone for authentication even, would I have known I’d be screwed out of doing anything else now during the sale. Acecool View Profile View Posts. If tradinv root your phone you can transfer the plain-text files to the new device That’s how I enabled WinAuth to use my authentication protocols Honestly, the Acdess variant of 2 step verification is fundamentally flawed If someone steals your phone, or finds it, they can tradijg it and bypass the password easily then the data tfading in PLAIN TEXT which they can then use to gain access to your account.

Imagine someone finds your phone, and returns it to wpp. It looks like it wasn’t tampered with and it looks like they only used the lock-screen information to contact you But imagine they did this — you wouldn’t know about it in most cases unless things started disappearing immediately. They could wait months or even years before you purchased more games or received more items It isn’t secure and stating that it is, is terrible. The revocation codes are in plain text too That’s all they need to disable it ateam eh?

Last edited by Acecool ; 25 Dec, pm. If they would support U2F for logins all this mess would not happen. I currently own four Carxs Dongles because the services supporting or even requiring it grow very fast. The year will be the year where U2F will take. Also if at least it no be possible to have it on multiple Devices, all those transfer mess would not happen. I currently have it on an old iPhone4 without SIM but use an Galaxy S7 and Galaxy S8 as mobile and also have an Galaxy Tab S, stea, yeah if i at least could simply have it on all my mobiles and the Galaxy Tab S there wouldn’t be any breaks because it’s extremely unlikely to loose all.

Also luckily i have it on that iPhone 4 because the S7 battery did blow up and battery and the system board needed to be exchanged. I also wonder why i have an Recovery Code for that Mobile Steam App if it is of no use for transfering it to a acrds Phone?! Last edited by NeXuS23 ; 28 Dec, pm. Originally posted by rzbikot :.

He references to the ‘Device’. Normaly if there is ‘Device’ and ‘new Device’ authentications, the already authenticated ones stays authenticated as long they are not deauthenticated for convenience.

Also Steam Guard normaly only requests an TOTP for logins on ‘new Devices’ additionally Steam seems to deauthenticate them from alone after some time if there was no login.

As an Example: Google only request an U2F authentication for logins from ‘new Devices’ and doesn’t access trading cards on steam phone app one if the ‘Device’ was already authenticated. Google also has an deauthenticate ‘all Devices’ Function in the Account itself and there is also a List of all ‘Devices’.

Also Steam saves that Information too as a token in the client and also has an deauthenticate ‘all Devices’ function in the Steam Guard section of the Settings. Tradinh are also other services doesn’t use any Device authentication at all and requests an U2F authentication every time you log off. Also the Steam Mobile App isn’t the only one that lacks of easy transfer possibility, the Google Authenticator is lhone worse if you have a lot of accounts in.

It’s not possible to transfer the sqlite3 database without rooting the phone. So what ‘smart’ people do is saving all the barcodes for the Authenticator as pictures to their HDD, so that they can easily restore it if the phone breaks or. But this of course again is a security risk, because everybody that gets acccess to those saved barcodes can use them and so the whole 2FA is already compromised.

With U2F-Dongles all this fuss is something of the past, nothing to transfer, nothing that could be compromised and unlike phones truely independent and anonymous without any personal information that could be used to know for which accounts it is or was used.

U2F is the future and services supporting or even requiring it grow, so if not already done it’s high time to get an U2F dongle now or better two because it’s wise to register more than accrss to an account in case you loose one.

Originally posted by emotionally crippled :. Samurrot07 View Profile View Posts. How do Sream remove the authenticator from my phone when the remove authenticator button isnt appearing on the phone I want to remove it from? Per page: 15 30 Date Ap 27 Jun, pm. Posts: Start a New Discussion. Discussions Rules and Guidelines. Note: This is ONLY to be used to report spam, advertising, and problematic harassment, fighting, or rude posts. All rights reserved. All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries.

Some geospatial data on this website is provided by geonames. View mobile website.

The farming algorithm works like this: 1. Most games will drop a number of cards ohone to about half the number of cards in that game’s set of cards. What’s the best Steam level to reach before trading? Free, without any bots! A: First thing you should do is check whether your account actually has cards remaining. Tappet is now able to complete his Portal 2 badge. We hope to keep expanding the ways you can get badges. Many games have achievements that are grindy or un-fun to get, and we want the act of getting game cards to be fun for all users in games. The only exception is Free to Play games, which award you drops for spending money in the game.


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