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How to get trade hold off without steam app

how to get trade hold off without steam app

If you are using the Steam mobile authenticator, you can complete your trades immediately. How can I remove the need for a trade or market hold? Arqade works best with JavaScript enabled.

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Home Witthout Workshop Market Broadcasts. Change language. Install Steam. This topic has been locked. I am really disliking this new feature that Valve has added recently. I personally don’t have a smartphone.

Steam Support

how to get trade hold off without steam app
By using our site, you acknowledge that you have read and understand our Cookie Policy , Privacy Policy , and our Terms of Service. I have been using Mobile steam app and got authenticated since January, after the new updates on system «March 9», I am getting trade holds for 15 days, but I knew I am already mobile authenticated since Jan. On march 10 or 11, I tried to remove and re-authenticated on steam app, guessing i need to ,because of the update. After weeks and up to now, I am still getting trade hold for 15 days. I looked on forums and reddit about this.

Recently Cancelled An Accepted Trade

Home Discussions Workshop Market Broadcasts. Change language. Install Steam. This topic has been locked. I am really disliking this new feature that Valve has added recently. I personally don’t have a smartphone. I don’t have enough money to buy one and I have no incomeso I don’t plan to buy one in the near future.

However, I’m experiencing problems with trading. A 3-day trade hold has been enforced on anyone not using the Steam Guard Mobile Authenticator thing, but I obviously cannot get it. Is there any way to bypass this restriction, or am I pretty much stuck with the hold indefinitely until I am able to buy a smartphone? If anyone knows anything, it’d be a great help!

Showing 1 — 15 of 64 comments. You’re not alone in your pain, OP. Some of us DO have smartphones, but are in your exact same condition because we have a Windows Phone, and Valve, for some reason, refuses to how to get trade hold off without steam app a WP version of the Steam app.

Haha, thanks for the advice. Yeah, wish Valve would just free the trade holds. I get that they’re just trying to encourage us to use the Steam Mobile Guard Authenticator, but for those of us who can’t even access it, it’s kinda hurting us.

Originally posted by SCP :. Originally posted by Sludge Metal Mike :. That’s what they call a damn respect for their customers. They don’t care if you use Windows phone. Originally posted by darkpastor :. At the moment you cant :. Having same problems, sigh volvo :. Basis View Profile View Posts. SeitoD skinhub. Originally posted by Billy Mays :. Per page: 15 30 Date Posted: 23 Dec, pm. Posts: Start a New Discussion.

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Steam Support

Why are trade holds necessary? Post as a guest Name. All rights reserved. Using a physical device your smartphone to confirm item transactions ensures that witjout and only you can quickly and securely trade or sell your items. Question feed. There should be some way to decide that you want the authenticator disabled without having that terrible 15 D waiting period. If your account has not had any activity for more than two months, these restrictions will apply for 30 days. All trademarks are property of trzde respective owners in the US apl other countries. Trade and market holds are no longer necessary when you wwithout your account with a Steam Guard Mobile Authenticator. Trade and market holds protect items if a user’s account is compromised. Related Unverified payment methods are subject to a 3-day restriction period before you can use them to make a purchase on the Community Market. However, if you activate the mobile authenticator for the first time for your account, the first 7 days you still have the 15 days penalty.


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