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AxisDirect Mobile App
As a result of trdaing new offering, trade volumes are expected to grow by percent from the mobile app and the enhanced voice based trading. The tradding of trading through voice commands is a positive step in that direction. The mobile trading app from TCS BaNCS with the new voice-based trading capability, has helped us deliver high usability trading experience to end clients and voice based trading is a market first initiative towards completely touch-free trading. The voice based trading app — via speech — enable investors to check tradinh, buy and sell securities, view their portfolios and transactional history all in a totally secure manner. With usability and personalization being critical drivers in the digital trading space, brokers are keen on investing in user-friendly trading apps that can help increase their relevance to their customers. Further, the self-directed investor of today is constantly on the move and saddled with multiple tasks at any point of axis trading app, making it critical that financial transactions are conducted in a seamless and smooth manner.
Program Details
This mobile app has all the basic feature to do trading on equity, derivatives and currencies. You can access all basic report to get full view of your portfolio. AxisDirect web is ultra-quick, high availability, high performance and secure trading site. Limits : Advance options to view and see your max total limit, utilization of limits and max available limit. Your total asset value, net liquidation value, threshold new liquidation value,short fall and many more. Know your Margin — In this section you can see how much Margin is required and how much is available balance.
Account Options
As a result of this new offering, trade volumes are expected to grow by percent from the mobile app and the enhanced voice based trading. The launch of trading through voice commands is a positive step in that direction. The mobile trading app from TCS BaNCS with axiz new voice-based trading capability, has helped us deliver high usability trading experience to end clients and voice based trading is a market first initiative towards completely touch-free trading.
The voice based trading app — via speech — enable investors to check quotes, buy and sell securities, view their portfolios and transactional history all in a totally secure manner. With usability and personalization being critical drivers in the digital trading space, brokers are keen on investing in user-friendly trading teading that can help increase their relevance to their customers.
Further, the self-directed investor of today is constantly on the move and saddled with multiple tasks at any point of time, making it critical that financial transactions are conducted in a seamless and smooth manner. Axis Direct offers customers the facility of a single account to invest in equities, mutual funds, bonds, systematic investment plans SIPsderivatives, and other assets. AxisDirect is axis trading app of the fastest growing players in the industry and is among the top 5 players in terms of customer base and active investors.
Axis Securities currently serves over 14 lakh customers. With a global customer base of more than institutions operating in over axix countries, TCS BaNCS delivers core systems for the banking, insurance and capital markets industries worldwide, for the digital era. For more information, visit us at www. Email: h. Email: mattias. Your opinion counts! Let us know what you think by choosing one option .
Axis direct buy and sell shares, Stock Market
AXIS Securities launches voice-based mobile trading
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